How many of you really and truly believe life is a game???  That you are merely a player in a field or on some type of plain that has to come up with a strategy and/or calculate formulas in order to win??
Do you feel bad when you don't beat a certain level or board? ...Do you sit on the bench when you get hurt or tired?? 
I used to not be able to conceive living like that until recently...I am, in fact, growing up guys... and a lot of my mind is open to understanding how life is lived around me! I do this in order to "play" my part as helper in this so called game!  So tell me...do you take life seriously, is it just a game to you, or Both???

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Big Dan
August 18, 2011 at 11:28 PM

In my mind, life is a game. But not in the "playful" sense, per se. In the Game of Life, the stakes are high. How we play affects the outcomes of other people's lives, directly and indirectly. Like an athlete, you should strive to be the best you can be. You should respect the other players. Losing is as equal to a part of the game as winning, and you have to prepare your mind and body for both, yet give yourself every advantage to be a winner.

You should also find time to enjoy the Game of Life, because I believe that's what God intended. Our time on this Earth is relatively short, so why not enjoy The Game while we can. And if we can find the time to find a worthy partner, that makes the game even more interesting and enjoyable.

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