EVERYTHING is based on perception these days.....first impressions, reckless mistakes, and of course,,,,dating!!! Seems like it wouldn't fit right, however depending on the choices you make concerning those 3 things will determine what type of person everyone "thinks" you are. Unfortunately for women, there are certain things that apply to us differently when it comes to dating or choosing a mate.
I can recall speaking on this countless times among my bestess of friends.......why is it such a double standard for women to date more that one man and not be looked at as some type of lonely, ungrateful, ratchett whore???? WHY???? I think this is just plain bullsh*t!!! As women, we make the Rules and Regulations of this dating world, so I believe what WE say should go! Has it ever crossed any of your male minds that maybe we too are searching for the right fit and having fun doing so. The slightest thing could turn us off, so we TOO are usually "on to the next one". Some of us could care less about what it may make us look like! WE RUN THIS SH*T!!!
It just so happens that I choose to date one at a time. Now if I deal with someone 1 year, month, or even just a week is solely based on wether or not he can last that long. I am loyal until I am turned off!!! lol...The women that choose to do this with 3 or 4 at a time...seems exhausting to me, but I am not judging you! I understand and Men do this all the time!
Ladies: I DARE you to be Bold as well as Beautiful!! State your claim, date who you want to, and narrow it down when you find THE ONE!!!
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